Transitioning from law school to law practice brings all kinds of new experiences, challenges, and rewards. These resources will help you navigate smoothly and get your career off to a great start.

5 Ways to Network in the Legal Profession

5 Ways to Network in the Legal Profession

Across industries, career advancement is dependent not only upon merit, but upon "who you know" - and the power of network influence is growing steadily as more opportunities for connectivity emerge. Fortunately, it’s never too late to start building a strong network - and, thanks to these five developing avenues, it’s easier now than it’s ever been before.

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Finding the Path to an In-House Career

Finding the Path to an In-House Career

What steps should you take to secure an in-house role? Find out in this comprehensive and informative guest post by Fernando Garcia of Navistar Canada.

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7 Ways Lawyers Can Conquer Stage Fright

7 Ways Lawyers Can Conquer Stage Fright

While many veteran lawyers find ways to combat their anxiety, and other simply grow numb to the pressure, a high proportion of lawyers still struggle with varying degrees of stage fright. These tips will help you combat your nerves and achieve a painless, confident delivery on any presentation or public speaking project.

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